An Online Course for Professional Photographers

In 8 weeks with Heidi Hope learn everything you need to build and scale a 6-7 figure photography business with multiple revenue streams and passive revenue (if you wish). This course is for you if you're ready to make your photography business a REAL business (or a better business) that supports your family, affords you benefits and time off, plans for retirement, and makes you financially independent. First developed in 2015, Photographer Rising has been completely re-written to reflect the current economy and Heidi's experience with online revenue streams and running a photo collective. Learn how to hire employees and associates, create passive revenue streams and market your business in innovative ways. Begins January 10th 2022

This course is for you if you want to:

  • Set a solid foundation for your business legally and financially
  • Confidently price your work for profit
  • Create collections that sell
  • Pay yourself FIRST out of your business
  • Nail down your style and niche
  • Clarify your brand message
  • Set business boundaries and clearly communicate them to clients
  • Establish what makes you different from your competition
  • Find more ideal customers through unique marketing events
  • Gain mastery over social media marketing
  • Set up referral and reward programs
  • Gain confidence in both IPS (in person sales) and digital only sales... and figure out what's right for you!
  • Learn the art of pre-selling and session planning
  • Develop additional revenue streams and explore the possibilities of passive revenue, specific to photographers
  • Determine if your ready for employees, associates, or outsourcing and make a hiring plan
  • Set long term goals for growth, scaling and retirement
  • Develop a plan to scale to 6 or 7 figures

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Wecome!

    • How to use this course

    • Photographer Rising 2022!

    • Join the Facebook Group!

    • Schedule and Commitment!

    • Schedule with Zoom Links

    • Commitment Worksheet

    • Pre Course Business Assessment

    • Business Assessment

  • 2

    The Big Picture ~ Your Brand

    • What is a brand?

    • The Power of the Artist Brand

    • Strengths and Weaknesses

    • Unique Selling Proposition

    • Find your Genius Zone

    • Clarify your Message

    • Module 1 PDF Branding Questions

    • LIVE Facebook Welcome Recording

    • Module 1 Coaching Call Recording

  • 3

    Building your Business Plan

    • The Business Plan for Photographers

    • Overhead and Cost of Goods

    • Developing profitable pricing

    • Business Boundaries

    • Long Term Goals

    • Module 2 Questions for Reflection

    • Necessary Profit Per Session

    • Business Plan for Photographers

    • Policies Worksheet

    • Sample Policies and Contract

    • Module 2 Coaching Call Recording

  • 4

    Marketing Part 1: Mastering your Market

    • Understanding your Market

    • Ideal Customer Avatar

    • Differentiation

    • Voice

    • Communicating your brand message

    • Module 3: Your Market Worksheet

  • 5

    Implementation Week

    • Implementation Week, Live Coaching Call Links

    • Coaching call 1

    • Coaching call 2

  • 6

    Marketing Part 2: Finding your dream customers

    • Website and Blog

    • List Building

    • Social Media Marketing

    • Event Marketing

    • Referral & Rewards Programs

    • Challenge

    • Module 4 Worksheets

    • Referral and Rewards Program Sample

    • Module 4 Q&A

  • 7

    Sales made easy.

    • Sales Workflow

    • Selling Psychology

    • Collections that Sell

    • Pre-Selling

    • In Person Sales

    • Digital Sales

    • Module 5 Worksheets

    • BONUS Pre-Session Consultation Webinar

    • Pre Session Questions and Call Script

    • How to Price an 8x10 Article Link

    • Heidi Hope Photography Product Guide PDF

    • Product Guide Images

    • Baby Plan Guide

    • Module 5 Coaching Call

  • 8

    Scaling to 6 and 7 figures

    • What do I scale first?

    • Outsourcing

    • Hiring Employees

    • Multiple Revenue Streams

    • Teaching

    • Rental Space

    • Module 6 Worksheets

    • Module 6 Coaching Call

  • 9

    Implementation Week 2

    • Coaching Call 1

  • 10


    • Camera and Lenses

    • Master Depth of Field

    • Photographing a Cakesmash Session

    • First Birthday Family Session

    • Maternity Session on a Farm

    • Newborn with 3 older siblings

    • Newborn Workshop Part 1

    • Newborn Workshop Part 2

    • Newborn Workshop Part 3

    • Reviewing Depth of Field Images

    • Set Safety

Pricing options